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Jun 18, 2011

Memory Tapes, Yes I know...

Memory Tapes, Yes I know directed by Eric Epstein
So excited about US producer Dayve Hawk AKA Memory Tapes new material, since his first LP Seek Magic fuzzed around my ipod and the back of my head for endless days after its release. His sound is dappled so beautifully with light and loneliness, where lots of sampled layers give it this watery texture that just moves through you until it literally moves you.

His latest video "Yes I know" directed by Eric Epstein is also one of the best new music videos I've seen. Absolute creative genius; on par with the Michel Gondry and Chris Cunningham's music video art of the past.

If this new track is just droplet of what we can expect from Memory Tapes forthcoming album Player Piano (out July 5) it is sure to be a high-rotater.

Jun 12, 2011

For You - Oscar + Martin

Melbourne duo Oscar + Martin
Discovered this little Melbourne duo on yet another lengthy binge of Australian music... Oscar + Martin.

Such a unique sound: perfect little popping beats overlaid by sweet little edible melodies make for an impressive first LP release from the boys entitled For You. I love how honest and raw the lyrics are too: there's lots of soft little peaks of heartfelt sincerity which make you really want to know the characters behind them.

Hopefully I'll get yo meet you at your Oxford Art Factory gig tomorrow night!

In the meantime, get lost in this juicy little ditty, 'Recognise'.